Frankenstein resources to accompany PowerPoint

These are the various summary and key quotes and notes resources that accompany the PowerPoint and will increase your understanding of the novel.  I have tried to upload them in some sort of chronological order.  Take a look through and download anything that you might have missed due to absence.

letters summary pupil copy

Frankenstein chapters 1and2 summary and quotes

Chapters 3 and 4 key quotes

chapters 5 and 6 summary

chapter 5 and 6 treasure hunt thinking points

chapters 7 8 and 9 for students

chapters 7 8 and 9 summary

Summary of chapters 11-13 student copy

Frankenstein chapters 14-16 summary slips

Frankenstein Key quotes from chapter 14 onwards

chapter summaries from 20 to end of novel

walton’s letters storyboard Hannah and CharlotteTo what extent does Shelley establish the sexist treatment of women in the first third of the novelThe books that the monster reads

Frankenstein Comprehension Questions

creativity and madness


Year 10 HL set 06/07 due 11/07

Read chapters 17, 18 and 19 (Vol.2, Ch.9 and Vol.3 Ch.1&2), summarise and answer the following comprehension questions:

Chapter Seventeen (Vol.2, Ch.9) – back to Victor as narrator

  1. Tell how Victor first responds to the creature’s demand.
  2. Discuss how the creature convinces Victor to make him a mate.
  3. Examine how the creature believes companionship will help his temperament.
  4. Explain how the creature plans to stay abreast of Victor’s progress.
  5. Compare the creature’s feelings to those of Captain Robert Walton at the beginning of the novel.
  6. Recommend whether Victor should or should not create a mate for the creature. What are the advantages; what are the drawbacks?


Chapter Eighteen (Vol.3, Ch.1)

  1. Tell why Alphonse Frankenstein thinks Victor is depressed.
  2. Summarize why Victor feels that he cannot marry Elizabeth at this time.
  3. Demonstrate how Victor manipulates his father so he has the time and liberty to create a female creature.
  4. Analyse why Victor feels that his family will be safer if he leaves Switzerland.
  5. Generalize how the setting and scenery of his journey finally affect Victor’s mind and spirits.
  6. Assess how Victor feels about Clerval’s friendship and companionship.


Chapter Nineteen (Vol.3, Ch.2)

  1. Quote the passage(s) that tells how Victor views his life in regards to the monster and his demand.
  2. While Clerval and Victor are in London, how does Clerval occupy his time?
  3. Describe how Victor views the process of creating a female creature.
  4. To what is Shelley alluding in Victor’s assertion: “But I am a blasted tree; the bolt has entered my soul; and I felt then that I should survive to exhibit what I shall soon cease to be—a miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others, and intolerable to myself”? What does Victor mean?
  5. Detail why Victor cannot bear to hear Henry speak of Chamounix.
  6. Explain why Victor sometimes fears for Henry’s life while on their journey.
  7. What does Victor ask of Henry? What does Victor wish to do on his own?
  8. Formulate how Victor’s selection of the Orkney Islands mirrors his feelings about the task he plans to complete there.
  9. Judge Victor’s emotional state as he begins to create a female monster.